- REGISTRATION IS CLOSED - Dec 20th, 2024 was the deadline.
- Jan 16th, 2025: All Act Information is due as well as video submissions. No late submissions will be accepted.
- Jan 28, 2025 - 3:45 to 5:45pm: Mandatory Tech Rehearsal.
- Jan 30, 2025: Show starts at 5pm. Act 1 performers call time is 4:30pm and Act 2 performers call time is 5pm. Check your email for additional details.
We will be updating this site and emailing everyone who signed up with additional information around specific times and activities as the night gets closer.
Requirements and Guidelines
- You must meet all deadlines on time
- Acts can be no longer than 3 minutes
- Practice, Practice, Practice!! You (and your co-performers) should definitely practice!! This event is intended to be a joyful celebration of the school's collective talent, and it runs smoothly and beautifully the more everyone is prepared.
- No costume changes mid act.
- You will need the following information: A brief description of what your act is, all performers’ NAMES, PARENT EMAIL addresses for each performer, TITLE of your performance to be listed in the program, a list of ALL MATERIALS you need (# mics, mic stands, piano, chair, gym mat, etc.) and a 15-30 second SCRIPT that our MCs can use to introduce your act to the audience.
***Want a chance to talk into the mic on stage but don't want to perform? We're looking for MCs to help host / introduce the acts as well. Please sign up using the sign up form.
Questions? We have answers!
What happens if I (my team) miss a deadline?
You will not be allowed to participate if you miss a deadline. We have to review all acts and do complete show setup and to do that we need everyone to be on time with their information.
Is the Mandatory Tech Rehearsal really mandatory?
I have a friend or sibling in a lower grade, can they participate in my act?
No, the acts are restricted to 4th and 5th grade students.
I have a costume will there be time to change?
There will be time to change into a costume before hand but we do not allow in act costume changes.
More questions? Email
Polaris PTO is a parent-run, volunteer organization whose mission is to provide financial and volunteer support to Polaris Elementary School. 501(c)(3) EIN 27-0042254